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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:35 PM // 13:35   #41
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I've no desire to use it at all.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:39 PM // 13:39   #42
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Originally Posted by Washi
Can I do it for you?

press c
press 1

there you go, Ursan Guide in detail.

I would like to talk to a person that designed this "skill" and ask him/her how does it feel to turn this wonderful and complicated game into a c-space fest. I obviously don't use it and you could say that I shouldn't care what other people do. But I do care. Why? cause it makes me sad how many people will never see how deep could this game be cause they will never ever need to think about their builds, about the synergy with heroes or other players, about countering specific monsters... no they only need this one skill nothing more. It's just sad.
Fully agree, I used to play GW every evening of the week for hours. But since the emergence of the 1 skill UB build I have lost interest in GW completely, at least for PVE. There are no 'elite' areas left in GW, no (PVE) titles that can not be achieved anymore without effort, including HM vanquishing and the like. Just a matter of how robust your keyboard is in handling constant button smashes.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:39 PM // 13:39   #43
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I haven't used it yet but i plan on attempting Mayx and the equivalent bosses in its realm when i get there with it
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:42 PM // 13:42   #44
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Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
UB is not godmode, you can still get smacked down while using it. Also if you team needs 3 MONKS, then you must all suck at PvE
I had Duncan HM in mindwhen I wrote my post.

Even still a friend and I vanquished Alcazia Tangle with his mesmer and my ele with Ursan. Squishy Ursans work, too.

We always use 3 monks in an 8-party area because 5 is sufficient damage output. MM and SF heroes are usually better than MM and SF players.

Last edited by makosi; Jan 02, 2008 at 01:45 PM // 13:45..
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:45 PM // 13:45   #45
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Refuse to use it. It's not needed. Although imho spamming Save yourself and Nothing to fear on recharge is nearly as mindless. It edges behind Ursan tho as you still need some semblance of a team build to succeed.

Last edited by Shanaeri Rynale; Jan 02, 2008 at 01:48 PM // 13:48..
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:47 PM // 13:47   #46
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I don't use it, and have no plans to do so. In all honesty, I would vastly prefer it to be removed from the game.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 01:49 PM // 13:49   #47
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Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Refuse to use it. It's not needed. Although imho spamming Save yourself and Nothing to fear on recharge is nearly as mindless. It edges behind Ursan tho as you still need some semblance of a team build to succeed.
Granted, I will say for Save Yourselves that it allows you to run unoptimized builds that might be more relaxed or more fun, without removing the whole idea of having skillbars that Guildwars uses.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 02:18 PM // 14:18   #48
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Used it to vanquish some places.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 02:24 PM // 14:24   #49
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Originally Posted by Vinraith
I find it dull, and thus never use it.
This pretty much sums it up for me, too.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 02:29 PM // 14:29   #50
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It needs to die.

Alternatively, it can stay as it is if Sunspear and Kurzick/Luxon PvE skills get a huge buff.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 02:42 PM // 14:42   #51
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Buff Volfen and Raven.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 02:59 PM // 14:59   #52
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Originally Posted by EPO Bot
Buff Volfen and Raven.
QFT. They don't get enough attention. Buff Raven by increasing the block chance, buff Volfen by increasing the speed buffs (the essence of the forms).

As for my usage of Ursan, DoA alone. Reason why DoA is because it keeps the game from becoming a scientific experiment, which is what a standard DoA balanced team is. You screw up one little thing, and I'm sorry, you're wiped and need to start over. That's not fun, that's not a game. Ursan allows for more mistakes while still requiring mind power (you can't take on 3 full groups of Stygian Hungers e.g.).

Anywhere else, totally unnecessary, you can use all manner of team builds in HM and still succeed. I'm a proponent of the "play it loose" philosophy, with the team tank being whoever hit aggro first. And no, I don't use "Save Yourselves!" and "There's Nothing to Fear!"
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:01 PM // 15:01   #53
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I refuse to use it, and tbh I have no respect for those who do. Takes zero skill at all.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:07 PM // 15:07   #54
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Given amount of people here who say they dont use it and hate it, i wonder what made those long threads about nerfing it so long.


Or maybe people just don't admit they used it because they would look uncool.

I was in ursan team with my necro to clear DOA (N/Rt healer is fun build.), so i didn't get to experience mind numbness myself that much, it was still boring.

Then i tried to pug there with my paragon fully confident that i would meet group where someone will know how ridiculously easy todays paragon can make everything. Not a chance, after few wtfs is godmode paragon and wth is your ursan, you got it noob, right, why are u using focused anger its crap ...

It turns out that there are nowadays only two classes:

Ursan (preferably 10/8, yay for not having to grind to be competitive.)

Nothing else exists as far as DoA is concerned. Two classes, Two skillbars. what an epic fun in elite areas.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:13 PM // 15:13   #55
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I use Ursan like Goku uses his Super form...or should. Only when necessary and in certain conditions.
Even then Ursan isn't "uber" in all areas and it is more practical to use a regular build. Some areas is works great, others it becomes a liability.
Pain inverter and Radiation field are my new friends.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:18 PM // 15:18   #56
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I have mixed feelings when it comes to Ursan...

I use it when I want to get quick cash in UW with PUGs - usually means I'm bored, have time to spend in the area and enough patience to direct groups through it. However, it gets boring quite fast, as I'm used to challenge and not godmode (because when you know your limitations as an Ursan, it IS godmode and you can take anything).

Else I prefer real team builds. Gets more challenging gameplay-wise, less boring for me. The challenge I get from Ursan is dealing with the group and directing them through the area. Totally different for me, but I'm not always in the mood for the second.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:46 PM // 15:46   #57
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I'm sorry, but... you need a GUIDE for Ursan?
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 03:55 PM // 15:55   #58
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I like it because you can PUG on things which is less boring than farming alone. It doesn't really make me more money. There's plenty of solo builds. It's just less boring to get a group of people together.
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 04:04 PM // 16:04   #59
Wilds Pathfinder
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Never used, never will. I dislike consumables, SY, UB, and anything else that allows people who aren't skilled enough to beat an area normally to breeze through it. I find challenging gameplay fun, but I guess there isn't profit to be made in catering to the skilled, catering to the casual is where it's at.

In before someone suggests something dumb like not using all 8 skills or no armor for "challenge".
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Old Jan 02, 2008, 04:11 PM // 16:11   #60
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I don't use it, it just a broken skill for those who can't finish what they want using normal skill bars. I'm not flaming anyone here, and I have nothing against people who do, but GW is more fun when you have to think about what you play. And yeah, Paragon with Save/TNTF allready makes PvE a bit too... /yawn
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